As church bells triumphantly ring in the new century, Veronica Winter - an American by birth, upbringing and instinct - bears her German husband a second son. This boy Paul and his brother Peter are the central characters in a complex and tragic family drama, which begins with an enchanted childhood and ends in the courtrooms of Nuremberg. Read More...

The third novel in the Hook, Line and Sinker trilogy. From the brilliant Oxford graduate who understands the espionage game better than most of her male colleagues, to the beguiling woman who uses her charm and brains to deceive everyone around her, Fiona Samson presents a fascinating puzzle. Read More...

Best-selling spy author Len Deighton shows us the reality of the most crucial battle of the Second World War. Since the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the British people have confronted no greater greater threat to their freedom than in 1940, when Hitler's armies swept through France in a few weeks and stood poised twenty-one miles from Dover. Read More...

The sardonic malcontent Bernard Samson follows his prey from the stinking heat of the Mexican Jungle to the chilly streets of Berlin. His adversary is Erich Stinnes, the KGB major who had arrested him in East Berlin. Read More...

The third volume in the 'Tales of the Otori' trilogy. 'Your lands will stretch from sea to sea,' the blind prophetess has told the young warrior Otori Takeo. 'But peace comes at the price of bloodshed. Four battles to win and one to lose. Many must die.' Read More...

Falco's back in trouble as usual. With Titus Caesar in pursuit of his patrician girlfriend Helena, Marcus Didius Falco, the louche Roman sleuth, is sent out of the way on an undercover mission to Roman Germany. Read More...

Working for the Palace was not all perks. Poor pay. Jealous colleagues. And now a small accounting error has left Marcus Didius Falco, Imperial Rome's most hard-done-by investigator, sharing a cell with a large rat ... Read More...

Rome, AD 72. Marcus Didius Falco, one-time Imperial agent and unemployed informer, has an insurmountable problem. The Emperor Vespasian has refused to elevate him to the middle rank and therefore he cannot marry his aristocratic love, Helena Justina. Read More...

Rome, AD 72. 'I still can't believe I've put the bastard away for good!' Petro muttered. Petronius Longus, captain of the Aventine watch, and Marcus Didius Falco's oldest friend, has finally nailed one of Rome's top criminals - Balbinus. But under Roman law citizens cannot be imprisoned; instead they are allowed 'time to depart' from the Empire to go into permanent exile. Read More...

Nobody was poisoned at the dinner for the Society of Olive Oil Producers of Baetica, though in retrospect this was quite a surprise... Inimitable sleuth Marcus Didius Falco is back with a vengeance. Read More...

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